8 lessons
45 min long
Repeat each lesson 3-4 times within a week
Mat, chair, 2 light dumbells, and towel are required.
It is important for older adults to engage in regular physical activity to maintain their health and independence. Exercise can help improve balance, strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. However, it is crucial to choose exercises that are safe and appropriate for older adults, taking into consideration any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.
Here are some workout programs that are specifically designed for older adults:
1 - General Strength and Coordination
2 - Core Strength and Balance
3 - Core endurance and Cardio
4 - Upper body strength and Abs
5 - Lower body Strength | Legs, Hips, Core
6 - Mastering Rotation with Full Body Strength
7 - Simple Stretches and Strength
8 - Cardio Core
These programs offer a variety of fitness classes, including cardio, strength, and flexibility training, to help older adults stay active and healthy.

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